Archive for the ‘Bullentina’ category

Russia’s Horrible War in Ukraine

April 29, 2022

Shame on Vladimir Putin (the evil, mass-murdering president of Russia) for militarily invading the proud nation of Ukraine by land, sea, and air! There simply aren’t enough words in the English language for me to accurately describe what “a horrible human” being President Putin truly is, however, in my next paragraph, I will provide you with a short list “of how” I would describe him. Please tell me if you think my list of his personality traits is accurate and correct?

President Vladimir Putin of Russia is a shamelessly evil, no good, murdering, skum sucking, immoral, lying, insane, cold blooded psycho, of a Satanic antichrist piece of Soviet Shit! That’s who and what he is! And I could continue with some additional words to describe him too, however, I will spare you from reading them, because I’m not interested in offending my readers by cussing in my posts. Putin is indeed a Godless idiot of a fool! He is worthless!

Putin is more like a Mafia Boss, than he is a statesman or president. In a political sense, Putin kisses the butts of Russia’s 150 richest and most powerful business leaders. These 150 men consist of Putin’s inner circle of his national mafia (so to speak). Apparently, all of these men must kiss Putin’s ass in a very tender and delicate manner, because IF they fail to do so, they run the chance of either disappearing, or being shot or poisoned by him. Putin gives the orders, and his henchmen do the dirty work for him.

I constantly ask myself how any prudent and rational human being, could possibly be so damn cold and evil, to be responsible for committing all of the war crimes and atrocities that the Russian military is guilty of committing in Ukraine? How could someone do that to the population of another nation that borders them, and was formerly part of their own Soviet Union? How could they do that and feel good about doing it? I don’t understand that! It simply doesn’t make any sense.

Furthermore, it has been said “that wars aren’t fought unless there is something to gain by fighting them”. So, with that idea in mind, “what” is Russia suppose to gain by attempting to destroy the nation and people of Ukraine? If Russia happened to win their war there (which is looking more improbable by the day), all that would be left over from it would be a big pile of useless ruble and destroyed infra-structure. So, what kind of victory prize would that amount to being? Not much of one at all!

I’m extremely proud of the good brave citizens of Ukraine! They are in a desperate “life or death struggle” on a daily basis to simply survive and fight on anther day to the very end. And so far, they are doing an excellent job of that, due to all of the help, aid, and support of NATO nations, and other countries around the world. Most all of the world has come to their rescue, in all of the different various ways that they can. Nations around the world that are governed by kind and normal people are more than happy to help the Ukrainians.

In one of my next posts, I will analyze this situation from a Nostradamian point of view, and reference a few quatrains and passages from Nostradamus’ Epistle that pertain to this crisis. Until then, let’s all hope and pray that the proud nation of Ukraine will continue to repel the Russian military, defeat them if possible, and send the Russian invaders of their nation to a special holding cell in a prison in hell!

Protected: TODAY IS NOSTRADAMUS’ 111th BIRTHDAY Dec. 14, 1503 (as broadcast on the CBS Sunday News today), by Victor Baines

December 14, 2014

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September 9, 2014

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March 31, 2014

Previous to the tragic events of 9/11, there were only two or three documentary films about Nostradamus available for the public to view. However, after 9/11, due to the fact that Nostradamus predicted this tragedy in several of his quatrains, it began a media frenzy to produce cable television programs about him and his prophetic literary works.
I know all about these productions because, due to my many years of research, writing, and speaking about this fascinating topic– I was involved in helping to create many of them (both as a researcher and as an expert commentator). Making documentary films is fun. It can be hard and demanding work at times, but the pay-off of everyone’s hard work is intellectually rewarding, and it’s a great joy to experience “the feeling” one gets the first night that the show is finally broadcast for the first time on TV.
I have been busy “story boarding” an interesting group of quatrains about potential fascinating events in the future which have yet to occur! I know so much about this interesting topic that I could produce several great documentaries, in different production styles, that would probably prove to be “very successful” in ratings and content!
“Unique intellectual property” is the name of the game when it comes to this topic. The person who possesses it, and the people who have the power to create a good broadcast
So if any cable television producers are looking for new ideas to develop into documentary films they should consider contacting me to discuss what they might have in mind, and or consider some of the excellent production idea that I might have for them.
I’m well known in video production houses and radio stations in Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C., London, Sydney, Christchurch, Vienna, Tokyo, and Bogata. I have worked with lots of people–all over the world– including The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, The National Geographic Channel, the BBC, and plenty of others too.  Hey–let’s do some more work together.  Let’s do this!


March 31, 2014

In 1939, Hitler invaded the nation of Poland under the pretense of “rescuing the German people” who lived there from the danger posed to them by the Polish people In reality there was “no danger” posed to the German people living in Poland—but to Hitler–it was “the perfect lie” to use as the reason to take over Poland—starting World War II.
Now, in 2014, President Putin (of Russia) appears to have used “the same false logic” to invade the Crimea, that Adolf Hitler used in 1939 to invade Poland! And shame on him for doing so! Putin is no better or more moral that Hitler was, when it comes to invading another sovereign and independent nation that borders his own. No one in the international community of free nations is applauding Putin ( a former member of the KGB) for this illegal and immoral act! In today’s Russia, the aggressive modus operandi of the U.S.S.R. appears to be just as alive and well as it was from 1945 to 1988, in the glory days of Soviet aggression.
So what are the people of Ukraine going to do about this situation? Are the citizens of Crimea going to submit to an illegal election in order to vote on the idea of joining Russia? Well sure enough—they did. Now they have been annexed by Russia.
Nostradamus wrote about Russia. He referred to Russia by several names, but mostly as “Aquillon”—meaning “the Northern land”—in nineteen passages. He predicted the creation and the fall of socialism (in quatrain #4-32), the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. It is interesting to note that Hitler was also defeated by the Northern wind during World War II.
In quatrain # 2-89, Nostradamus predicted and era in time when “the two great masters (of the world–meaning the U.S.S.R and America?) would be friends, and their great power will be seen to grow”. In quatrain # 5-78, Nostradamus predicted that “the two do not remain allied for long” (followed by a war). If this is indeed a reference to Russia and America, is the time for Russia and the West to become adversaries again upon us now? Well–we will have to wait and see how things develop.
So will the Russians halt their military invasion of Europe in the Crimea, or will they be stupid enough to invade the rest of the Ukraine, or Moldavia, or even worse—Latvia or Estonia—which are members of NATO? NATO would certainly respond to a Russian invasion with a quick and harsh military counter-attack if the worse scenario were to occur! We still have plenty of A-10 Warthog Tank-busters in our air fleet. But would Putin really be that dumb to do so, hopefully not! Presently, the Russians have 50,000 troops mobilized on its border with Ukraine. Is this a psychological ploy and a show of force, or do the Russians have other intentions?
The Ukrainian military is rather weak and lacking in weapons and technology (as well as lacking in man power). However, they are mobilizing what military assets they have and building up their army and militia units in the same type of way that the Israeli Army did back in the late 1940’s when they gained their independence. If Ukraine was invaded, there is no doubt that they would put up a good fight against the Russians.
Hopefully this entire matter can be resolved through “prudent diplomacy”. It should be noted that in Nostradamus’ Epistle, it appears that Russia and America will be important and powerful allies again in the future, and that they will be united in a future war against nations in the East, therefore, lets hope that prudent thinking will prevail!

Pope Francis I, St. Malachy, and Nostradamus, by Victor Baines

February 27, 2013

The story of St. Malachy 

Saint Malachy of Ireland, was a bishop who entered into a state of spiritual bliss one day, while on a trip to the Vatican in the early 1100’s.  And during his state of bliss he wrote out a list of 112 popes to come (a spiritual nickname and two or three sentences describing the reign of the pope). 

As a researcher, in my opinion, there “does” seem to appear to be some similarities between the “spiritual names” of Bishop Malachy’s prophetic papal list, and “the spiritual attributes” of the popes who wear the names 

 Pope John Paul 2nd was named “the Labor of the Sun”, and he was one of the most active, hardest working, and well traveled popes of all time (a ” true laborer” of god). Pope Benedict 16th is known as “Glory of the Olive”, and he was from the Olivetan sect, so we do see some amazing connections between St. Malachy’s list –and reality.

I have heard two names for the last pope on the bishop’s prophetic list.  The offical name is “Peter the Roman”, and the other name I heard was “Petrus Secundus” (Peter the Second–in Latin).    

If the word “Roman” is a clue about his nationality, then perhaps the last pope on Malachy’s list (the new pope to come) will be an Italian.  Others tell me I’m wrong–and that he will be an American, or an African, or from somewhere in South America.  Maybe they will be right (But I think he will be an Italian).  Well, as things turned out–both me and my friends were correct.  Pope Francis I is “Italain by blood”, as well as being from Argentina (a nation located in South America)!  Below is one of Nostradamus’ quatrains which might be a reference to the new pope: 

# 5-56

Due to the death of a very old pope,

will be elected a Roman of young age,

it will be said of him that he weakens the Seat,

but long will he sit and in biting activity.

So, the new pope is Italian by blood, but a younger man he is not (64 years of age is a young cardinal).  However, although he is 76 years old–he appears to be in good health. Will the new pope serve the Vatican and the Catholics around the world for many years to come?   Probably so!

Nostradamus’ reference to the death of a very old pope might be a reference to Pope John Paul 2nd (who passed away at a very old age).

If  the prophecies of Saint Malachy of Ireland are correct, it would mean that Peter the Roman (Pope Francis I) is “the last” official pope of the Catholic Church (which is difficult for most people to want to believe or accept).  According to Bishop Malachy, our new pope willstruggle hard for the church but during the reign of Peter the Roman  “the seven hill city of Rome will be destroyed–and the great judge will judge. The End”!  So does this suggest that “the end times” or judgement day will appear during the reign of Pope Francis I?  What exactly did St. Malachy mean by “the end”?

Does he mean the end of the church or the end of the world?

“If” Nostradamus is correct, this next pope might have to suffer the wrath of “Selin” (Nostradamus’ third antichrist). According to Nostradamus, Napoleon was his first antichrist, Hitler was his second antichrist, and an Islamic man from the East (named Selin) will be his third antichrist.

All in all, it appears that this next pope will be very active for the church, and will face many enormous challenges. Some will criticize him, but in reality—he will be a very good pope! I for one, wish the new pope the best of luck and many blessings!  Hopefully the prophecies of St. Malachy are wrong and the world will continue to flourish for centuries to come.  However, we must consider everything –from all angles–as time moves forward into the future.

Predictions for 2013 –from The Nostradamus Society of America, by Victor Baines

January 9, 2013

Well everyone–we made through the “phony ending of the world in 2012” that was so well hyped by the media and the internet.  I could write more about that, but instead, I am moving on to life in 2013.  Below are a few predictions for this new year.

THE ECONOMY:  My prayer is that the economy improves this year resulting in higher levels of productive employment throughout the United States.  Whether that will occur or not is up to variables far beyond my control.  Most likely the domestic economy will continue to slowly deteriorate resulting in higher prices for consumer goods (like food, gasoline, etc..).  Prices are high enough as they are and I can barely imagine them getting even higher.  Jobs will continue to be exported to nations like China (and in other nations in Asia).  Let’s hope that Fortune 500 companies (with the help of the Federal government) will enact measures to improve our economy.

TERRORISM:  Iraq and Afghanistan will most likely see more acts of terrorism in 2013 (more so in Afghanistan than in Iraq).  Domestic terrorism carried out by mentally deranged individuals with firearms will most likely be the new threat in America during 2013.  How these types of acts can be stopped in the future is tricky business for authorities to figure out.  A lot of work must be carried out to defend against them in the future.  Hopefully the Department of Homeland Security will continue the good job of stopping what terror plots reveal themselves before the fact. 

SYRIA:  The Assad regime is one of the most evil governments on the planet.  For four decades now (first the father and now his son) have generated a huge amount of terrorism upon the world, but now, they generate most of it upon their own people.  An estimated 60,000 Syrians have died over the last two years in the Syrian revolution and more will die in 2013.  If  President Assad had a brain left in his head he would do something to end the blood shed. Or, he should gather up his money and family and go into exile, and leave his nation to be run by a new Syrian government that is friendly to the people.  Could 2013 prove to be the year that the rebels over throw him?  Only time will tell!

THE CLIMATE:  Nostradamus penned many quatrians about droughts and famines.  He stated that they would start in small areas and then grow larger across many regions.  2012 was a year of remarkable heat extremes and according to the New York Times–34,000 heat records were broken in 2012!  Hey people–global warming is real and the problem appears to be getting worse every year.  I predict that more heat records will be set in 2013!

THE MIDDLE EAST:  Hezbollah got an intense pounding by Israel in 2012 after they launched missiles at them from the West Bank in 2012.  I doubt their  mistake will be repeated  again in 2013.  Will Iran continue to export drone aircraft to Hezbollah this year?  Let’s hope not.  If Iran continues their nuclear program without coming clean with the West–more problems will develop for them in 2013.  I think the area in and around Yemen might be a region that continues to produce Jihadist leaders in the future. Turkey, which borders Syria (and is a NATO member) have fielded Patriot missiles as a shield against any offensive acts by the Syrian government. 

HURRICANES: I think that hurricanes will continue to pound the USA in 2013 with the southern US as the region that will suffer the most. Nostradamus penned a quatrain about hurricanes hitting the New Orleans area, so, my prediction is based upon this quatrain being a trend in the future.

EARTHQUAKES:  Small earthquakes happen all over the world every year.  But I think that parts of Asia will see the worst of them this year (around the Pacific rim of fire).  Chile could get the worst of them in South America this year.  The New Madrid fault line (in parts of Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois, and Missouri) will one day pose a major problem for the United States when it finally collapses–but let’s hope that it won’t occur in 2013!

GUN CONTROL:  Gun Control will be a complex topic of debate this year.  There are more guns than people in the United States. Both sides of the debate have good points to make, but in the long run, I think that sweeping measures will occur in this area in 2013.

ITS December 21, 2012 AND THE WORLD HASN’T ENDED YET, by Victor Baines

November 17, 2012

Hello everyone,   December 21st, 2012 is here and the world hasn’t ended yet!  No world wide disasters  have arrived or are heading our way ! Most of us are still alive–just like I thought we would be! Are you getting the idea that all of this talk about the world ending on December 21st, 2012–was nothing but a lot of  hype, urban myth, propaganda, and overly wild speculation?  That’s what I’ve been thinking for the last five years!

I have yet to be shown “any tangible evidence” that can truly suggest that the world was suppose to end on December 21st, of 2012!  If anyone thinks that they truly have proof, or some type of evidence, or at least a rational theory of some type that conforms to “common sense” –that points to the world ending some time soon–please send it to me (I’d love to read it).  I’d like to  see how silly it is.  Sorry–no end of the world.

You haven’t t seen “me” (Victor Baines) on any cable TV program saying that I thought the world will end in 2012.  John Hogue,  Vincent Bridges, Jay Wiedner and  others were one’s who said that (not me)!

Then, there were all of the “so-called Mayan scholars” who proclaimed the world would end in 2012, as well as a bunch of paranoid survival gear merchants (and others) who jumped on the “gloom and doom” end of the world band-wagon.  I guess everyone is free to state their personal  opinions on things, but for the record, I’ve never thought that the world will end in 2012.  Nostradamus didn’t write that either. It is a lie that he stated that!

Katrina quatrain revisited–Nostradamus scores another hit, by Victor Baines

July 5, 2012

Something tragic, yet interesting in the world of Nostradamus,  occurred again on August, 29th, 2012  (somewhat like it did seven years ago on August 29,  2005).  It has to do with quatrain #9-48, the amazing quatrain that predicted Hurricane Katrina.   And now on August 29th of this year the same thing happened again (but fortunately with lesser intensity) when Hurricane Issac occurred (merely a category one hurricane).  Here is the wording of quatrain #9-48:





The first line of this quatrain is reference to the city (and port) of New Orleans.  New Orleans, Louisiana, is a former French colony which has been a major maritime center of commerce since the 1700’s.  The second line of this quatrain has another big clue in it (“surrounded by a crystalline swamp”).  If you think about it, Louisiana is known as “the bayou state” and the area around New Orleans, as well as other parts of the state, consist of swamps, bayous, and marshes–many of them full of water containing salt crystals.  Katrina occurred in what we would call “the summer” (not the spring), but it is a reference to warm weather. The winter solstice mentioned might a reference to the galactic alignment which will occur this year on December 21, 2012.

The fourth line of the quatrain is the punch line “it will be tried by frightful wind”.  Out of all of Nostradamus’ 943 quatrains only one contains a reference to “a frightful wind”, and a city being “tried by it”.  According to my dictionary, the definition of “tried” is this…”tested, having sustained the tests of experience”.  So, New Orleans wasn’t totally destroyed by the winds of Katrina or Issac, just “tried and tested” by it.    The winds in Katrina got as high as 125 mph, and in Issac they got up to 75 mph. 1800 people died in Katrina, with millions in property damage occurring with Issac and Katrina.

In conclusion, it is my hypothesis that New Orleans will be hit by more and more hurricanes as time goes on.  Usually,  each quatrain is a reference to only one event, but in this case, it appears to reference at least two hurricane events, and probably more of them into the future.